White Label SEO, PPC, and Website Platform with Free AI Tools
White Label SEO, PPC, and Website Platform with Free AI Tools
Extract structured data from your PDFs, emails and other documents, automatically.

Data Extraction: Boost Efficiency with Tech

In today’s dynamic business landscape, the efficient extraction of data has emerged as a pivotal factor in bolstering productivity. Extracting structured data from a plethora of sources, be it PDFs, emails, or diverse documents, has transcended the realm of laborious tasks, thanks to the groundbreaking strides in technology. Welcome to the epoch of AI-powered document parsing, where precision and celerity converge to redefine your workflow.


Introducing the GPT-Powered Parser: Airparser

We are thrilled to present Airparser, our latest triumph in the realm of data extraction. Fueled by GPT, Airparser harnesses the prowess of natural language processing to seamlessly distill vital information from human-generated emails and unstructured documents. This encompasses a wide array of content, from CVs to order confirmations, and even product descriptions. This heralds a departure from manual data entry, ushering in an era of effortless and automated extraction.


Unraveling the Features of our PDF Parser & OCR

Our AI-powered PDF parser is meticulously engineered to catapult your data extraction process to hitherto unseen levels of efficiency. Bid farewell to the tedium of manual data entry and embrace the future of automation. Below, we delve into the exceptional features that await you:


Any Document Type

Parsing your PDF files has never been more expeditious. Our pre-configured models are finely tuned for invoices, business cards, ID documents, and an array of other document types. Experience seamless data extraction with minimal exertion.


Table Extraction Made Simple

Simplify the extraction process from tables with varying numbers of rows. Our technology adapts to the complexity of your data, ensuring precise results on every occasion.


Multi-language Capabilities

Parsio is adept at recognizing both handwritten and printed text in Latin and European languages. This versatility ensures that language barriers are now outdated.


Unmatched Value, Competitive Pricing

We take pride in offering services that surpass our competitors at a fraction of their costs. Quality need not come at a premium. Discover the full spectrum of features that come with Parsio and witness the difference.


The Power of Email Parsing

Unleash the full potential of your inbox with our email & attachments parser. Capture invaluable data in real time, seamlessly transform it, and integrate it into your business applications. Here’s a glimpse at what you can achieve:


Easy Setup

Creating templates for extraction is a breeze. Highlight the text you need and watch Parsio do the rest.


Attachment Parsing Excellence

Extract data from emails and documents in various formats, including PDF, HTML, XLSX (Excel), CSV, DOCX, XML, TXT, and more.


Data Formatting Customization

Add any custom formatting and business logic before exporting the parsed data. Tailor the results to meet your exact needs.


Built-in Templates for Efficiency

Parsio comes pre-loaded with templates designed to parse emails from platforms like HARO, Airbnb, LinkedIn, and more. Bid adieu to manual configuration.


Extract structured data from your PDFs, emails and other documents, automatically.
Extract structured data from your PDFs, emails and other documents, automatically.


Seamless Integrations for Enhanced Productivity

We firmly believe in seamless integration with the tools you’re already using. Export leads data from your emails to Google Sheets, automatically parse your PDF invoices, import them into your accounting software, upload attachments to Cloud Storage, and much more!
  • Google Sheets: Extract accurate information in real time from emails, invoices, receipts, and PDF files directly to Google Sheets.
  • Slack: Keep your team in the loop with real-time notifications of new leads, sales, and critical server alerts sent directly to their Slack channels.
  • QuickBooks: Sync captured data from receipts, bills, and invoices to QuickBooks for seamless accounts payable automation.
  • Google Drive: Automatically upload your PDF files and email attachments to Cloud Storage for secure storage and easy access.

Automation for Businesses of All Sizes

With Parsio, the advantages are clear:

  • Cost Savings: Bid farewell to hiring data entry staff or allocating these tasks to other employees.

  • Guaranteed Accuracy: Achieve 100% precise data extraction, a feat even the most adept manual data entry expert can’t ensure.

  • Increased Productivity: Manage increased workflow by extracting data from incoming emails, leaving you to focus on customer satisfaction.

  • Uninterrupted Operation: Parsio keeps running, even when you or your employees are unavailable.

  • Time Savings: Set up your own email & document parser in just a few minutes.

The Pitfalls of Manual Data Entry

Without Parsio, you risk:
  • Data Errors: Repetitive tasks lead to errors as fatigue sets in.
  • Time Wastage: Precision in repetitive tasks can be time-consuming.
  • Holiday Overload: Without automation, maintaining service levels during busy periods becomes challenging.
  • Team Expansion: Eventually, you may need to hire a team for tasks that automation could handle effortlessly.

Trusted by Industry Leaders

We take immense pride in being the trusted choice of over 3,000 leading businesses. Our expertise is acknowledged by experts across various industries. However, don’t just take our word for it. Here’s what one of our contented customers had to say:
“It is almost magic! I am a dance teacher, not a coder. Still, I can now parse my emails and automate a process that was very cumbersome before! It is easy to use and set up. Almost self-explanatory.”
  • Philip F, Personal & Torspieler-Trainer
Over 3,000 companies rely on Parsio to work more efficiently. Explore what our customers have to say in our testimonials section.


Ready to Revolutionize Your Business?

Whether you’re a startup, marketing agency, real estate agency, freelancer, or a large corporation, Parsio is tailored to meet your needs. Get started now and experience the difference.
  • Quick Setup: Get started in just 5 minutes.
  • No-Code & API Integration: No coding skills required. Seamlessly integrate with your existing systems.
  • No Credit Card Required: Try Parsio risk-free.
  • [Get started – it’s free]

Step into a World of Career Opportunities: Welcome to the Job Search Engine of Tomorrow!

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